
I’m really sick. I would really like my antibiotics to start working so I can breathe, and also sleep through the night without feeling like I’m going to cough a hole into my lungs.

All Movies Should be on the Beach

All Movies Should be on the Beach
Important fact: you can definitely haul camp chairs on your bike. I’m still really annoyingly sick (I have the standard sinus infection that always accompanies a cold), but I got antibiotics today. I was initially distressed that you can’t use Virtuwell or Zipnosis hete, but I learned that Blue Cross has its own live video doctors. Yep, the internet is ...

I’m Hotels.com’s MOST Preferred Customer

Hotels I’ve booked in the past few days: A night in Minneapolis the day we arrive for the holidays, 2 rooms since the in-laws will be there too. 5 nights in Minneapolis between Christmas and New Year’s, downtown so I can walk to work and Matt can wander aimlessly and do fun things (he’ll be off work), sigh A night ...

Almost there…

Almost there...
Our new couch was delivered today! Our little teak patio table showed up, too, which means two things: I can work on the patio, and We almost have all the furniture we plan to get. A dining table to replace our broken one would be nice. I got 2 crowns done today, but let’s not talk about that.