Watch Out Fi Dis

Since Matt and I both work from home, we trade weeks in the office (upstairs) and the living room (and now patio). The person downstairs gets to be in charge of the music. Since Matt lives in this house, we have nearly infinite ways of listening to music, between our bluetooth speaker and iPod setup, plus the TV with the Amazon Firestick and Pandora or Amazon Music, and DirecTV’s music channels. There are lots of options.

Given this near-limitless variety of music, I choose to alternate between three options:

  1. The Pandora Gaslight Anthem station
  2. Broadway on Amazon Music – we only own three soundtracks right now, so that means I have Hedwig, Chess, and Hamilton on loop. These are very disparate musicals. (We need Cabaret, dammit.)
  3. The Pandora Major Lazer station. This is by far the most productive station for me, especially after a lot of Cuban coffee.

Matt has much better taste than I do, but I know what I like.

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