so metal.

Last night, Matt and I saw Anvil at the Parkway. If you loved hair metal (and who didn’t?), see it. It’s fantastic. I intentionally got up an hour earlier this morning so I could work a half-day and get on the road. We have plans to go rescue Lauren from work at 1am tonight, and tomorrow we’re going to see ...

i have nose hoboes.

So, there was the matter of the 2-week cold, and the fact that remnants are still lingering in my sinuses, uninvited. However, my energy started returning somewhere around the end of last week, and that was enough to make me feel human again. I missed the gym. Now Matt’s started to feel the same way. He stayed home Tuesday, and ...


Yesterday, I thought maybe I was getting sick. It felt like balloons were being inflated inside my sinuses, and I had aches in places as diverse as my armpits and my gums. So I did what any right-thinking person would do: I got a box of Zicam (with a coupon, thanks to Twitter), and went out. The Parkway is doing ...