
I was digging through old photos on Flickr trying to find something, and came across this picture from the 70s that I scanned a few years back. I’d noted that I was pretty sure it was the house I lived in when I was 4 years old, but I wasn’t positive.   I guess that was correct, because here’s one ...

and another thing.

Snow mold? Really?

a headband will make me 46% better at tennis. 2

My bike is sitting in our front porch right now*, waiting. It has a new wicker basket on the front (maybe I’ll weave some flowers into it and get streamers for the handles, to complete the picture), and the tires are finally inflated. They were flat when I got it back from the parents’ house, and my tiny pump was ...

thing is, i just like having contests with myself. 17

I’ve decided to take part in the 5-a-day clutter away challenge, which involves getting rid of five things a day throughout the month of August. We’ve lived in our house for 10 months now; I figure if there are things we haven’t looked at since we moved in, they’re good candidates for moving right back out. We don’t have a ...