Dick and Claudia do Key West

Dick and Claudia do Key West
We set my parents up with a two-day ticket on the Old Town Trolley this week, because it’s one of those hop-on-hop-off buses that circles the entire island and stops at all the major tourist spots. My dad can’t walk very far because of back problems, so this seemed ideal. (Plus driving anywhere in Old Town is a horrible nightmare ...

Home Officin’

So, having lived here for a month also means that we’ve now both been working home for a month. I wasn’t really sure what to expect of this setup, since generally if I’m working from home it’s because I’m sick. I assumed that maybe I would feel like I had the permanent flu or something. I don’t currently feel sick, ...


My parents are arriving tonight, staying through Sunday morning. I’m very excited to be able to use our guestroom already, even though with the bed in here it’s making my workspace a little cramped. (That’s OK – while they’re here I’ll work at the table where I can keep an eye on the chicken population.) We’re planning on taking them to ...

Fly Navy

Fly Navy
I went to Walgreens over lunch today to get a flu shot. The ride there was way more pleasant than any other time I’ve been to Walgreens to get a flu shot. (It’s hard to think of it as flu season, too.) It’s hard to see in the picture, but the building in the distance has a huge “Fly Navy” ...