Island Time

Everyone who’s spent time in the Caribbean is aware of the concept of island time, because nothing is on that important a schedule. It can be maddening on your first visit, but eventually you get used to it. Key West has a slight case of island time, though nothing like you’d encounter in Jamaica. Most things here are slowed down ...

What Just Happened

What Just Happened
We saw a 20th anniversary showing of Showgirls at the Key West Film Festival tonight, and then afterwards there was a Q&A with director Paul Verhoeven. He talked about Starship Troopers, Robocop, and what it was like winning 7 Razzies for Showgirls. It was fantastic. I know I say it a lot, but this town is the best.

All Movies Should be on the Beach

All Movies Should be on the Beach
Important fact: you can definitely haul camp chairs on your bike. I’m still really annoyingly sick (I have the standard sinus infection that always accompanies a cold), but I got antibiotics today. I was initially distressed that you can’t use Virtuwell or Zipnosis hete, but I learned that Blue Cross has its own live video doctors. Yep, the internet is ...

Almost there…

Almost there...
Our new couch was delivered today! Our little teak patio table showed up, too, which means two things: I can work on the patio, and We almost have all the furniture we plan to get. A dining table to replace our broken one would be nice. I got 2 crowns done today, but let’s not talk about that.